
Earn Online with Bucks2Blog

2:35 PM
I have been a member of Bucks2Blog for quite some time and has already earned  a few $$$. Some think that this site is just a scam but I'm telling you now, they really pay! I had only done two articles for them as of this writing and received their payment on time [15 business days]. Here's a screenshot of what I received just a few days ago:

Yes, each post is usually worth $20. This is a great way to earn because you may write your post in your own tone. There are no complicated instructions required! :)

Signing up is as easy as one, two, three. Your blog must meet their requirements then you just have to wait for it to be approved. Quality writing and information are your armors here. You'll start receiving e-mails from them once they approve your blog.

Their emails contain available campaigns. They arrive once a week. All you have to do is choose which campaign or campaigns (yes, you may apply for as many as you can) you're interested writing about, then fill out the form they'll provide. If you are chosen for that campaign you applied for, you'll receive another email that contains the instructions from the advertiser. If no email arrives, it means you are not suitable enough for the campaign. But don't worry, you may still apply for other campaigns the ff weeks.

Then, you write and publish your post on your blog. You will be given enough time to do it and once you're done, you have to submit to them the URL of your blog post [the form is included on their email] together with your name and Paypal address. If you followed the instructions well, you'll get $20. If not, they'll only pay you $15. Fair enough? :)

So, what are you waiting for? Start your Bucks2Blog journey now! If you have questions, feel free to ask them using the comment box below. I'll answer them the best way I can. *wink*

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  1. I already registered in there. Thanks to you. :)

  2. Cool, I guess this is the same as SocialSpark right?

    1. Somehow...but it's easier to get campaigns/opps here! :)

  3. This is something like social spark right? gotta give it a try!

    1. right. :) yeah give it a try! extra income. :)

  4. I've not heard of Bucks2Blog before. Nice share. =)

  5. Yay! Another way to earn online. I'm so gonna try this. Thanks for letting us know. :)

  6. This is one of the many ways to earn money online. If you guys aren't sure if this is a scam, I have a friend who earned a few bucks from bucks2blog, so they really pay.

  7. I will register later .thanks for sharing.will save the link for a while to get back to it later.

  8. wanna earn online while bum :)) gotta try this one.

  9. I know some fellow bloggers who's into B2B but honestly, it's so hard to get an opp there :(

    1. They prefer personal experiences in B2B. But for me, I find it easier to get opps here than socialspark. :)

  10. Joined too. Thanks for sharing. :)
