If you’ve been into Olympic weightlifting, power lifting, CrossFit,
or any other fitness routine for long, you know all about rolling out your
muscles. You can use rollers to help you get into better positions by improving
flexibility. Better mobility leads to better positions, which leads to better
technique. By now you’ve hopefully learned that technique is much more
important than the amount of weight on your bar. Technique is also more
important than being able to perform high reps of kipping pull-ups and kipping
handstand push-ups. Without the technique and strength to move your weights or
your body safely through strict motions, you will inevitably end up with a
nasty injury.
There Are No Shortcuts
to Success
Training is a long and difficult road. There are many paths
that shoot off to the sides that look like tempting shortcuts. All of them lead
to injury. You’ve got to walk before you run and you’ve got to have a good
handle on strict pull-ups and handstand push-ups before you start kipping out
massively high reps. Rolling out, or self myofascial release is not intended to
prevent or treat injuries caused by poor technique. It is meant to help
athletes recover from the regular stiffness and soreness that comes from
training. Not all muscle rollers are created equal. Websites like Ensofit.com have
more information on the best in self myofascial release technology.
Emphasize Technique
and Focus on Recovery
people would rather muscle through heavier weights with sloppy technique than
learn how to move properly. Smart and serious athletes know the importance of
technique. They show up to train every day with no set numbers in their mind
biasing their decisions. Their sole purpose is to learn and grow. Becoming a
better athlete is only achievable by traveling a long and difficult road.
You’ve got to put your focus solely on improving technique. Leave your ego
behind and learn to move correctly. This way you will avoid injuries. You can
teach yourself how to lift and move or you can find a good coach. Either way
you’re going to be stiff and sore constantly. Thankfully, there are self
myofascial release tools to help you recover and come back strong for your next
session. Check out sites like Ensofit.com for more information.
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