
Take Care of Yourself by Reducing Unnatural Stress

2:38 PM
The hormonal responses of stress are amazing. They can also be extremely detrimental to your health if they occur from unnatural causes of stress. Thankfully, companies like HeartMath are providing products to help normal people deal with stress. Stress signals the human “fight or flight” defense mechanism. Imagine this situation happening to you. Walking through the forest you discover a large bear. It seems agitated by your presence and starts to run in your direction. This is when your natural “fight or flight” defense response kicks your body into hyper drive. Adrenaline increases the ability of your muscles to work and make your heart pump faster. Glycogen is taken from storage in your muscle and liver tissues. This shot of usable energy to the bloodstream is the equivalent to gulping down a large candy bar. Before you know it you have sprinted all the way through the trees and made it back to your van. The stress response also helps you rely on instincts rather than thought. Your actions become more precise and automatic. You react to the changing terrain without thinking. Animals have been using this natural “fight or flight” response ever since the dawn of time. 

Stress Has Changed with the Times 

Most people never have to worry about actually engaging in a life-or-death situation. However, the human body can’t tell the difference between bears and tax returns. This is where problems start to occur. For starters, candy bars are generally unhealthy. While releasing stored energy into the bloodstream is extremely useful in a life-or-death situation, it can cause big problems for someone who is just sitting around being stressed out. None of that energy gets used because there isn’t anything to actually fight or run from. So the energy ends up causing derangement in the body. The energy is stored back in fat cells even though it comes from muscle or liver storage.

Stress Related Disorders Can Be Prevented

Metabolic derangement such as diabetes is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to stress-related illness. Stress causes the body to only care about the next 5 minutes. Your body knows that most “fight or flight” situations only last a short amount of time. All systems that do not help you survive the next 5 minutes will be compromised. Without proper digestive systems, and healing systems, a human body can run into trouble quickly. If you suffer from stress, a company like HeartMath may have some solutions that will change your life for the better. 

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  1. it;s nice to read post like related to my course. i really love your write up. very informative!

    1. Sef, are you a nurse or what medical field are you into?

  2. I am always stressed though all these stress goes away whenever I travel. I guess, having an active lifestyle can also destress you in a way... Thanks for suggesting HeartMath anyway! :)

  3. Don't sweat the small stuff so you can focus your energy on the key issues.

  4. This is very applicable to everyone. Most of the sickness nowadays are due to unhealthy lifestyle.. stress is one.

  5. Everyone will experience different levels of stress, some probably more than others. The key lies in how you respond to it. When stressed, it's really hard not to take sweets but I have to control myself! Haha.

  6. Sometimes, it is really frustrating because it is hard to get rid of stress.

  7. As a college student taking a very stressful course (fine arts major in advertising arts) hindi talaga maiiwasan ang stress, sleepless nights, unending school works, personal problems and sometimes financial. Thankful that my friend taught me how to calm myself down when things go crazy.. :))

  8. I've learned much from your post. You have good points about active hormonal surge and passive reaction to any given situation. If only one can learn how to discipline his emotions and health, then stress can be controlled.

  9. My life has been so stressful the past few days to the point that I lose weight without effort. Now I'm trying to get back into shape. Stress can really affect a persons' health. hay..

  10. Good thing there are companies out there that continues to study on how to fight stress which if not prevented could be fatal.

  11. Stress really affect much a person's health so we must find a way to relieve it.

  12. I never knew that our body reacts like this. I'm a workaholic and I swear I might have even said that I love getting stressed. I didn't know that it has a really adverse effect on our body. I've got to learn to manage stress!

  13. I am partially informed on how stress is overcome. I am about to look for the factors that cause "unnatural stress" here, but they are included or mentioned here. That's alright, anyway.

  14. I really hate being STRESSED . I feel suicidal, have low self-esteem, no confidence and plainly hate my life. That is why I avoid it much as possible.

  15. To overcome stress is not to really think about it. It's all in the mind :) And yes, taking care of ourselves is one of the things we need!

  16. Gosh! I never thought that "this shot of usable energy" can have a bad effect on our body. This has somehow alarmed me, since I rarely work out now. :(

  17. STRESS... the word itself seems to overpower us in many ways and sometimes, we feel like there's nothing we can do to eliminate it in our system. This article is a great help.

  18. I guess it's all just mind over matters. If something stressful happens, find ways to divert your attention to forget the stress.

  19. Wow! Seeing the cover of that reading material got me quite interested in getting a copy! :)

  20. Working really stress me except when I enjoy the work. I'm glad to have a once in awhile getaway trips to relieve from stressful life.

  21. You are absolutely right in here but don't forget also that we are the most common cause of stress out there. Sometimes we are the one that making everything stressful.

  22. this is such a very informative posts for those stress moms like me too! my daughter started going to school this week and I am a bit tired and trying to get stressed when she gets grumpy and tired after school. I just needed to calm my self so she calm herself as well. its all in our mind.

  23. Stressful things even people are around us everyday. Hope HeartMath can really help to conquer stress. - KarenT
